Press Kit

A Civil Rights Case
in the Technology Era

The legal matter of Davis v. Loomis is an administrative case involving the financial retirement accounts of Retired Air Force Officer Major Cecil W. Davis of Tuskegee, Alabama.

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Background of the case

The Plaintiff's case, Major C. Davis in the matter of Davis v. Loomis, extends over a decade that involves the financial garnishments and levies against his Social Security retirement, PNC banking and military pension accounts. However, upon an investigative review of his case file and financial records, the plaintiff is a victim of financial fraud and is currently seeking congressional oversight from U.S. Congressman Mike Rogers over Major Davis's IRC 7433 administrative claim.

In his opening brief Major Davis describes the "PNC Bank" incident whereas, while handling his day to day personal business affairs, the Major was informed by bank officials that his account had been depleted. However, a more comprehensive investigation into the matter revealed that bank officials failed to recognize that the documents used to garnish the account were counterfeit and bogus instruments. This revelation was revealed to Major Davis and his legal team based on Department of Defense (DoD) Whistleblower (non-classified) disclosures submitted to the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs. These disclosures revealed that counterfeit federal documents were targeting the bank accounts, payroll and pensions of unsuspecting military personnel.

Now, Major Davis is blowing the Whistleblower trying to work with members of Congress and the House Armed Services Committee to assist other veterans and active service members that are victimes of the financial scheme identified in the DoD whistleblower disclosures.